We were in Cranbrook yesterday and I met up with a long time friend to ride the Mt. Baker trail. A new (somewhat epic) trail that climbs 3000 ft up the tele-communications gravel access road and then descends down the west ridge on single track. It was 34 degrees at the bottom of the trail and I am probably in the worst shape I have been in for as long as I can remember, so needless to say things got ugly. At one point I started to shiver, not a good sign. Any ways, sorry about the spandex, but sometimes function outweighs fashion.
On top and still alive. Al on the left, Hamilton (aka Hamsolo) on the right

The smooth part of the way down.

This is probably the best view on the trail. Mt Fisher is in the largest peak on the skyline with the Kootenay River valley below.