We are on the road right now on our way to a seminar in Las Vegas and thought we would take the opportunity to do some hiking in one of our favourite places, Utah. We somehow managed to talk our friend Karl (his girlfriend Jo couldn’t get time off work) into joining us, which meant driving about 3000 km with our 8 month old baby. This was also our first time camping with our daughter so it has been a bit different than the normal routine, but once we learned the new dance it was all good. Its actually been a big help having Karl around because sometimes you need more than 2 sets of hands. So here are some photos and a bit more text to go with them.
Our first sunset overlooking Canyonlands National Park

Suzanne and Kate

Young camper

Kate keeps an eye on the espresso

Not probably what the people at Graco had in mind for their Pack-and-play portable crib, but it works great for camping too.

Typical sunset light and our favourite camp in Needles (Canyonlands NP)

More sunset light

My current favourite beer down here by the Wasatch Brewery

They like to have fun with the Mormon religion

Getting ready for a big hike. My patent pending pancake mix, with a New Zealander's (Karl) touch, Nutella and Bananas. He wanted to add bacon too, but enough was enough.

Karl in the "Joint", which is one of the best hikes in Canyonlands NP

Suzanne in the Joint

After a couple days of great weather we moved on farther south and drove through a full on sand storm.

20 minutes later we went through a blizzard. Its a crazy place.

So we decided to treat our selves to a classy motel room with a great view (in St. Georges Utah). We plan to hike around Zion area for the next couple days if the weather cooperates.